My project is to show how people grow their nepenthes on windowsill


Carnivorous Plant Addict
Hi all,
Here is my last video about "How to feed a tropical pitcher plant?"
Again, designed for nepenthes-beginners but it's always interesting to share info between us right?
Have a great day and stay safe guys.


Carnivorous Plant Addict
Hi all,
Here is my last video about Growing from seed Versus Cuttings.
Beginners get scammed some time so this could help people. :)
By the way, what is your preferred method for acquiring new species?
Have a great day and stay safe guys.


By the way, this week-end I did the first interview of a windowsill nepenthes grower, Nathan from California.
I will post the video soon after finishing the editing.
He is also growing them inside a tank like you @Lloyd Gordon :)


Carnivorous Plant Addict
Hi guys!

Here is my first Windowsill grower interview!
Today, we will discover how Nathan grows his nepenthes on a windowsill in California, USA.
You will see that depending where you live, you can grow highland nepenthes on a windowsill!
Highlands like Attenboroughii, Lowii, Edwardsiana!

Have a great day and stay safe guys.


SE Greens

Thank you for posting these videos! I think they are very helpful in clearing up misconceptions. I especially like the interviews with other growers as we can see their setup and the conditions their plants are grown in. Your channel has great potential!


Carnivorous Plant Addict
Hi all,

Here is my second Windowsill Grower Interview!
Today, we will discover how house.neps (from Instagram) grows his nepenthes on a windowsill in New Jersey, USA.
You will see a lot of plants with some quite big :)


Have a great day and stay safe guys.

Lloyd Gordon

Cactus micrografter newbie.
Staff member
I enjoyed the video. John Yates would be horrified at all the touching. I tend not to touch the seeds but I don't know how much it changes the results. I felt that after the video we should all have gone out for some local Quebec beer and poutine.


Carnivorous Plant Addict
I enjoyed the video. John Yates would be horrified at all the touching. I tend not to touch the seeds but I don't know how much it changes the results. I felt that after the video we should all have gone out for some local Quebec beer and poutine.
I would be more than happy to buy you a beer if one day I go to Toronto ;)

By the way, I filmed this video 6 weeks ago and I can already tell you that there are 4 seeds that have germinated.
So expect a sequel to this video!


Carnivorous Plant Addict
Hi all,
Here is my last video about how to water your nepenthes.
Have a great day and stay safe guys.


By the way, yesterday I did another interview, this time it's "Nepenthes Diary" (instagram + blog) aka Inglorious Betta on YouTube :)
She is also from California.