Willy's TC Journey

grow in the dark Petunia...! :)
The glow is very weak but starting to be visible to camera's long exposure, F2.8 iso3200 30s
The plants will glow brighter as they get bigger, very exciting.



Great results Willy Looks like the germination rate is 100% (2/2)?

Older/old seed of the more difficult rosetted tuberous dew species seems to germinate in the 2nd year after sowing, even when subjected to hot stratification in the 1st summer. I suspect yours sprouted after only 7 months since they were relatively fresh. Either way, patience is a must with this group!
Great results Willy Looks like the germination rate is 100% (2/2)?

Older/old seed of the more difficult rosetted tuberous dew species seems to germinate in the 2nd year after sowing, even when subjected to hot stratification in the 1st summer. I suspect yours sprouted after only 7 months since they were relatively fresh. Either way, patience is a must with this group!
I have Two out of six germinated so far, great results. It's good to know that they could take a long time to sprout!
I'm excited about this one! germination after 7 months, never give up!
D. squamosa seeds bought from @cpgeek

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Congrats Willy! The patience rewarded you, good job. I’m using plenty of tubers to do my germination in vitro which is more easy and faster. I have tried seeds but still not germinated from last year. So you are the first one that I know who succeeded this way! Bravo!