You have good eyes! I'm just trying these high temp hydrogels to see if the plants will like it. It's mostly for funWait did I miss the post where you started to use boba tea bubbles in your TC formula?
I have Two out of six germinated so far, great results. It's good to know that they could take a long time to sprout!Great results Willy Looks like the germination rate is 100% (2/2)?
Older/old seed of the more difficult rosetted tuberous dew species seems to germinate in the 2nd year after sowing, even when subjected to hot stratification in the 1st summer. I suspect yours sprouted after only 7 months since they were relatively fresh. Either way, patience is a must with this group!
Congrats Willy! The patience rewarded you, good job. I’m using plenty of tubers to do my germination in vitro which is more easy and faster. I have tried seeds but still not germinated from last year. So you are the first one that I know who succeeded this way! Bravo!I'm excited about this one! germination after 7 months, never give up!
D. squamosa seeds bought from @cpgeek
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