Willy's TC Journey

Pinguicula ehlersiae
DSC02550-3 ehi.jpg

Pinguicula acuminata
DSC02553-4 acum.jpg
Have no knowledge about TC. What will be the next step @WillyCKH ? How many, in term of %, expected to be viable and to be potted from this bunch ?
I'll try to encourage them to grow bigger and grow roots before extraction. I think them will need a few more cycles in vitro before they are ready for acclimation.
Under proper care, 70%-80%+ survival rate can be expected. So like Lloyd said, in time, I should have many plants available. :)
I'll try to encourage them to grow bigger and grow roots before extraction. I think them will need a few more cycles in vitro before they are ready for acclimation.
Under proper care, 70%-80%+ survival rate can be expected. So like Lloyd said, in time, I should have many plants available. :)
Yes it’s better to do some more in vitro cycles for higher success rates. It’s easier when they have a nice rooting system to acclimate.
These are amazing! I haven’t grown Cephalotus yet. Willy could you let me know when (and if) the Cephalotus follicularis are ready to sell and ship (spring I suppose). I'm up for a new growing challenge. They're just so darn cute! ;)