Willy's TC Journey

Finally up to speed with the replate tasks!
Nepenthes clipeata is critically endangered, it is perhaps the most endangered of all Nepenthes species, with only an estimated 15 plants remaining in the wild as of 1995 according to Nepenthes and conservation. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 12.
It's one of the species that I'm working to propagate more and hope to have it available sustainably.

I’m curious, what’s the benefit of sowing these seeds in vitro as opposed to just planting them normally?
Good question!
Plants in vitro are under control, they are pest free and germ free, and you can keep them in different nutrients and PGRs for manipulation.
Micropropagation (TC) is a critical tool for research and experiments, you can test the plants' reaction to different conditions and additives. For example does it like 2.5% sugar or 3% more?
It's also good for preserving a specific plant and propagate more when needed. Most plants will not die due to old age, so it's a good tool to keep something in TC just to have a reliable copy.
Beside cloning, it also allows faster rate of selective breeding programs because you could speed up the growth of a plant, say Drosera, from naturally mature in 1 year to 4-6 months. When you want to do a cross breeding of AxB X CxD, it takes at least two full generations to produce, so you'd appreciate any time reduction in the process.
Good question!
Plants in vitro are under control, they are pest free and germ free, and you can keep them in different nutrients and PGRs for manipulation.
Micropropagation (TC) is a critical tool for research and experiments, you can test the plants' reaction to different conditions and additives. For example does it like 2.5% sugar or 3% more?
It's also good for preserving a specific plant and propagate more when needed. Most plants will not die due to old age, so it's a good tool to keep something in TC just to have a reliable copy.
Beside cloning, it also allows faster rate of selective breeding programs because you could speed up the growth of a plant, say Drosera, from naturally mature in 1 year to 4-6 months. When you want to do a cross breeding of AxB X CxD, it takes at least two full generations to produce, so you'd appreciate any time reduction in the process.
Interesting! Thank you:)
Nepenthes clipeata is critically endangered, it is perhaps the most endangered of all Nepenthes species, with only an estimated 15 plants remaining in the wild as of 1995 according to Nepenthes and conservation. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 12.
It's one of the species that I'm working to propagate more and hope to have it available sustainably.
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Oh wow I didn’t know for that one! If you want me to reproduce quickly we have 2 laboratory working in vitro :) That would speed up things pretty fast
My nep seeds are not germinating :(
Are they the same ones I received from you? They didn’t germinated as well. Sometimes it happens. May be too old or not fertile seeds

One Nep specie seeds I got from Labine germinated like crazy. I got so many seedling that just for TC around 60 culture vessel in production and around a 120 in acclimatation as way too many for TC.
The Nepenthes seeds are doing well for me. Sometimes they may take longer to germinate. Nepenthes seeds can definitely be hit or miss, unfortunately.


The Nepenthes seeds are doing well for me. Sometimes they may take longer to germinate. Nepenthes seeds can definitely be hit or miss, unfortunately.
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I think mines where sow too late but the private lab managed to germinate some. I was less lucky but with all the TC culture in progress I’m quite overwhelm with the quantity reproduce lollll I will need a third Greenhouse next year :p