Will's home tissue culture lab


Hey everyone,

I've been experimenting with tissue culture a bunch these last few months in my living room. My goal is to eventually get my whole collection in culture and use the extra plants for trades or selling locally. I'll be posting pictures here of some of my cultures I've got growing as I progress! :)

Here are some venus flytraps that I've grown from seed in tissue culture. I'm amazed at the variation in colour that I'm seeing, and I've even got an albino plant that is barely surviving lol!
So I chose a large emerging leaf, then did a 5% bleach for 10minute treatment (no tween). I thought the leaf would completely die, but some patches of the leaf stayed green. I did the same treatment to a couple other smaller species and it did not work.
Nice work @Will20013 , TC is so addictive!

Liquid in vitro is also cool but take a little more space (can’t stack them) and need to be flipped everyday.

One thing now I know is there’s not enough space when you TC again using already TC vessel as the quantity produced is just insane. Building our second Greenhouse and already thinking about the third one lolll

Have fun!