Vancouver Island: bog hike, Kludahk/Meadow Bog 2021


Staff member
It’s looking like the COVID restrictions might be lifting here in bc in the near future enough to allow for some gatherings outside at least.

I’m proposing we get out there and revisit Kludahk Bog and Meadow bog!

last year’s adventure.

I’m thinking late June or early july. It seems it’s either the pings flowering in June or Drosera in july. @Carson Hardy @H2O @roraima @Smilodonichthys

Others are welcome. Seating is always in short supply, especially with COVID. Other drivers would be very welcome. 4x4 recommended but Awd and other logging road capable vehicles will make it. Weather there is unpredictable, prepare for 10 degrees and rain or 30 degrees of biting bugs.
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It’s looking like the COVID restrictions might be lifting here in bc in the near future enough to allow for some gatherings outside at least.

I’m proposing we get out there and revisit Kludahk Bog and eadow bog!

last year’s adventure.
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I’m thinking late June or early july. It seems it’s either the pings flowering in June or Drosera in july. @Carson Hardy @H2O @roraima @Smilodonichthys

Others are welcome. Seating is always in short supply, especially with COVID. Other drivers would be very welcome. 4x4 recommended but Awd and other logging road capable vehicles will make it. Weather there is unpredictable, prepare for 10 degrees and rain or 30 degrees of biting bugs.
Wish I could but I don't live on the island. I would love to meet all you fine chaps someday.
I would really like to join in the fun again but unfortunately that weekend I will be headed to the alpine. The following weekend of the 19th and 20th is an orchid excursion. The July 5th or 6th weekend would work for me though. If I can't make it for this next outing I hopefully will the next time. Its always great bog exploring with you folks.
Sorry Cin we got out today, a great day out! It was hot and dry up there but still a spectacular as always. We seen all the usual Carnivourous plants, Drosera anglica, Drosera x obovata, Drosera rotundifolia and Pinguicula vulgaris some in huge numbers.
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Oh it Looks like a great day out! next time maybe I can join ;)