Vancouver island: bog hike. June 24th 2023


Staff member
It’s time to pick a date and location for the annual CPSC Vancouver island bog trip. My july is booked up so let’s plan for mid to late June. All welcome, drivers 4x4 capable vehicles only please, rides and seats shouldn’t be a problem as long as people can make it to Langford by 8am. Weather there is unpredictable, prepare for a day trip hiking in uneven terrain off trail with weather varying from 10 degrees and rain or 30 degrees of biting bugs. Also wet feet are almost a guarantee!

See previous trips bog trips in the events section.

Last years trip.

Drosera anglica

Pinguicula vulgaris

False Asphodel or Triantha occidentalis
It’s time to pick a date and location for the annual CPSC Vancouver island bog trip. My july is booked up so let’s plan for mid to late June. All welcome, drivers 4x4 capable vehicles only please, rides and seats shouldn’t be a problem as long as people can make it to Langford by 8am. Weather there is unpredictable, prepare for a day trip hiking in uneven terrain off trail with weather varying from 10 degrees and rain or 30 degrees of biting bugs. Also wet feet are almost a guarantee!

See previous trips bog trips in the events section.

Last years trip.
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Drosera anglica
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Pinguicula vulgaris
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False Asphodel or Triantha occidentalis
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Will enjoy the beautiful photos as always!
Let’s meet here at 9am this June 24th

Rides and day parking close by can be arranged by DM please let me know if you are interested and are driving/need a ride asap as seats are limited. I believe we have two off road vehicles with about 4 available seats left

Do you need seats? Or do you have someone driving?
Here's a great plant list of the area for you all to get familiar with what's up there. I managed to find it again after @roraima asked for it:

Common Plants in and around Wetlands of Jordan Ridge

H. Roemer, October 1999, updated June 2000, 2014

Notes on this area: Most of this “ridge” is actually a plateau of an average elevation of 680 m a.s.l. (2300’). The plateau configuration gives rise to cold air ponding and a subalpine microclimate with heavy winter snows, despite this relatively low elevation. Accordingly, the tree cover and associated vegetation on flat and depressional topography is one that is otherwise found only at much higher elevation.

Trees (more to less common):

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis – yellow cedar

Tsuga mertensiana – mountain hemlock

Pinus monticola – western white pine

Abies amabilis – Pacific silver fir (on slopes)

Thuja plicata – Western redcedar (rare)

Tsuga heterophylla – western hemlock

Taxus brevifolia – western yew

Shrubs (alpha):

Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata – Sitka alder

Gaultheria shallon - salal

Kalmia microphylla ssp. occidentalis – bog laurel

Menziesia ferruginea – false azalea

Myrica gale – sweet gale

Rhododendron groenlandicum – Labrador tea

Rubus spectabilis – salmonberry

Spiraea douglasii – hardhack

Vaccinium alaskaense – Alaska blueberry

Vaccinium caespitosum – dwarf huckleberry

Vaccinium ovalifolium – oval-leaved blueberry

Vaccinium uliginosum – bog bilberry

Herbaceous Plants, Graminoids, Ferns,

and Dwarf Shrubs (alpha):

Agrostis aequivalvis – Alaska bentgrass

Agrostis oregonensis – Oregon bentgrass

Andromeda polifolia – bog-rosemary

Athyrium filix-femina – lady fern

Blechnum spicant – deer fern

Boykinia occidentalis – coast boykinia

Calamagrostis canadensis – Canada reedgrass

Callitriche sp. – water starwort

Caltha leptosepala var. biflora – white marsh marigold

Carex anthoxanthea – yellow-flowered sedge

Carex echinata – star sedge

Carex laeviculmis – smoothstem sedge

Carex lasiocarpa – slender sedge

Carex lenticularis s.l.– lenticulate sedge

Carex livida – pale sedge

Carex luzulina var. ablata – woodrush sedge

Carex pauciflora – few-flowered sedge

Carex phyllomanica - star sedge

Carex pluriflora - many-flowered sedge

Carex saxatilis – russet sedge

Carex sitchensis – Sitka sedge

Carex stylosa – long-styled sedge

Carex utriculata – beaked sedge

Coptis asplenifolia – fern-leaved goldthread

Coptis trifolia – three-leaved goldthread

Cornus unalascensis – bunchberry

Dodecatheon jeffreyi – Jeffrey’s shootingstar

Drosera anglica – long-leaved sundew

Drosera rotundifolia – round-leaved sundew

Empetrum nigrum - crowberry

Equisetum arvense – common horsetail

Erigeron peregrinus – subalpine daisy

Eriophorum angustifolium – cottongrass

Fauria crista-gallii – deer cabbage

Galium trifidum ssp. trifidum – small bedstraw

Gaultheria humifusa – alpine wintergreen

Gaultheria ovatifolia – slender wintergreen

Gentiana douglasiana – Douglas gentian

Gentiana sceptrum – king gentian

Glyceria elata – tall mannagrass

Hypericum anagalloides – bog St.John’s wort

Juncus ensifolius – dagger-leaved rush

Juncus supiniformis – spreading rush

Lilium columbianum – Columbia lily

Linnaea borealis – twinflower

Lycopodium clavatum – running clubmoss

Lycopodiella inundata – marsh clubmoss

Lysichiton americanum – skunk cabbage

Maianthemum dilatatum – false lily of the valley

Menyanthes trifoliata – bog bean

Nuphar polysepalum – pond lily

Pinguicula vulgaris ssp. macroceras – common butterwort

Plantago macrocarpa – Alaska plantain

Platanthera chorisiana – small bog orchid

Platanthera dilatata – white bog orchid

Platanthera huronensis – green bog orchid

Platanthera stricta – slender rein orchid

Rhynchospora alba – beak-rush

Rubus chamaemorus - cloudberry

Rubus pedatus – five-leaved bramble

Sanguisorba officinalis – common burnet

Schoenoplectus subterminalis – water club-rush

Selaginella selaginoides – mountain-moss

Senecio triangularis – arrow-leaved ragwort

Sparganium angustifolium – narrow-l. burweed

Spiranthes romanzoffiana – ladies’ tresses

Streptopus amplexifolius – clasping twistedstalk

Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum

– western mountain aster

Trautvetteria caroliniensis – false bugbane

Triantha glutinosa – sticky tofieldia

Trichophorum cespitosum – deer grass

Trientalis europaea ssp. arctica – arctic starflower

Utricularia minor – small bladderwort

Utricularia vulgaris – common bladderwort

Vaccinium oxycoccus – bog cranberry

Valeriana sitchensis – Sitka valerian

Veratrum viride – Indian hellebore

Viola palustris – bog violet

Some conspicuous non-vascular plants

Reindeer lichens:

Cladina portentosa (white/gray, irregular, one-sided branching)

Cladina mitis (white/gray, regular, all-sided branching)

Cladina rangiferina (gray-brown, one-sided branching)

Northern Waterfingers lichen
Siphula ceratites (white, inflated “fingers”; an unusual, semi-aquatic lichen that is normally found only in more northerly, hyper-oceanic regions)

Sphagnum mosses:


Sphagnum capillifolium (red, green, or variegated)

Sphagnum fuscum (rusty brown)

Sphagnum miyabeanum (brownish to green)

Sphagnum russowii (red to variegated)

Sphagnum tenellum (very slender, greenish)


Sphagnum angustifolium (yellowish)

Sphagnum mendocinum (yellow-bronze, or black when aquatic)

Sphagnum pacificum (yellow-green to green)

Sphagnum rubiginosum (green; forest)

large (fat)

Sphagnum compactum (bright green to brownish; uncommon)

Sphagnum papillosum (tan/brown or pale; very common)

Sphagnum squarrosum (pale green, squarrose; uncommon)