Utricularia blanchetii


Hey there everybody,

Currently my pot of u. blanchetii is less than stellar. It was sitting in a tray with my other utricularia and declined. I've tried increasing humidity, keeping it wetter, keeping it dryer, adjusting light both ways, the typical troubleshooting with carnivorous plants. And yet it eludes me.

I was wondering if anybody is currently growing this species and what conditions you have them under? The only thing I havent adjusted yet is the temperature of my home since it's fixed through the building, which is typically around 20°C.

As I was just looking at it while writing this post I managed to knock the pot over. Seems the universe doesn't want this one in my collection!
About half has died in the repot. Not sure what to do :[ Only a few spikes of plant remain. Any other advice from anybody for a last ditch effort?
Do you have any photos? What kind of substrate are you using? Is it too close to the grow-light?
Utricularia blanchetii shouldn't be too difficult from my expereience.
When I had mine they seem to enjoy high humidity, rainwater, maybe in 2 peat & 1 sand mixture. They shouldn't mind higher water level at all, just don't submerge the whole plant for a long period of time.
Yeah I'm surprised, I wasn't expecting it to be difficult as everybody online said it was easy, it's puzzling to me. I moved it for the pictures but it has really just steadily declined since I got it, it was close to it's current location, began declining, then it went through a few months of sitting with my other utricularia quite close to the grow lamp, for the past 3 or 4 weeks it's been farther from the grow light. I think I was overloading it originally, I've just yet to find the sweet spot. It may still be too close but I always worry I'm making changes too fast for the plant to adjust. Perhaps I'm keeping it too wet too? I tried to increase humidity with a vented dome a while back as my room is around 40 but it seemed to be dying back faster after a week so I removed it.

The substrate is a coco mix, sand and perlite mix, as I didn't have enough sand to make the ratios I found online. I tried for 4:1:1 but didn't have a great amount of sand. I should invest in more but have been lazy. The coco mix is just a sphagnum/coco peat mixed with no real ratio. It's the same stuff all my other utric/drosera are in. The moss and algae carried over from the pot it was in before because I was too scared to really clean it and mess the guy up even more.

I admit it looks so sparse and pathetic I was embarassed to post a picture originally. There are some white bits beneath the surface that I placed while repotting and I'm too scared to check on them and risk stunting progress (or seeing that it all died)
i was able to establish a small colony in another pot with drosera and am hopeful it takes off
It sends up the occasional flower stalks but never seems to bloom or send up new green bits, just shrinks slowly.
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Not sure about the coir. Never liked it much with CP's.
Yeah, I've heard varying results with it. I just use it cause I have a ton of it in bales for other projects, so it's possible it doesn't like it.

Since I need to aquire more sand anyways when I go out I'll see if I can find something more traditional. When growing in the coco mix I find plants either are good with it or hate it (tried a nep and it didn't work nearly as well as pure sphagnum, but boggy stuff has been fine for me so far). But that's just ancedotal evidence so it's possible I've just gotten lucky as I haven't grown for too long.
All my other terrestrial utrics are in the same mix and have (so far) had no issues, but obviously this one doesn't like the same conditions as the others!
Thanks again for all the feedback to you both :) This thing is wearing on me lol