T TankyBoom Seedling May 28, 2024 #1 Is anybody selling tree peonies or know places that do currently?
Lloyd Gordon Cactus micrografter newbie. Staff member May 28, 2024 #2 They're very common in Toronto and you can easily buy them at local places. Tree Peony - High Noon | Canadian Gardenerhttps://static.wixstatic.com/media/ab3908_f7037c9c348f4f968cf77fc82e3ac6ed~mv2.jpg/v1/fit/w_500,h_500,q_90/file.jpg Tree peony with lemon yellow blooms and red center. www.canadiangardener.com
They're very common in Toronto and you can easily buy them at local places. Tree Peony - High Noon | Canadian Gardenerhttps://static.wixstatic.com/media/ab3908_f7037c9c348f4f968cf77fc82e3ac6ed~mv2.jpg/v1/fit/w_500,h_500,q_90/file.jpg Tree peony with lemon yellow blooms and red center. www.canadiangardener.com
Godolphin Greenhouses Carnivore May 28, 2024 #3 I don't know if they have tree peonies, but would be worth asking true north daylily. They have a ton of peonies in their fields there
I don't know if they have tree peonies, but would be worth asking true north daylily. They have a ton of peonies in their fields there
jackie quan Carnivore May 29, 2024 #4 Some people sell them on facebook marketplace otherwise you just have to phone your local nurseries to see what colors of flowers they have on hand....many nurseries only carry regular non-tree peonies.
Some people sell them on facebook marketplace otherwise you just have to phone your local nurseries to see what colors of flowers they have on hand....many nurseries only carry regular non-tree peonies.