The Temporary CPSC Seed Bank


Staff member
- The Seed Bank -

The seed bank is open to all members of CPSC, anyone may purchase seed. Seeds listed will have a number after, that number is the number of packets available. If that number is zero there is none currently available but it may be restocked. Price will be 5$ by E-Transfer to cover included postage, envelope expenses, storage site hosting fees and to mail common seed to new forum members. See here how to use the seed bank. Orders may include manny types of seed but will be limited to ONE packet of each type per member to provide opportunity to others.

We do our best to guarantee the accuracy of the seeds but there’s no guarantees. Please label donated seed as accurately as possible.

Donation Credits can only be earned by donating a set amount of seeds. Each credit allows the member to exchange for one packet of available seeds, common or rare. The current ratio of donation per credit is 10 approved packets of common seed to 1 Donation Credit (one seed packet = 0.1 credit). Donation Credits can be accumulated, they do not expire, and there is no minimum number of packets per donation.

Carnivorous Seed packs 5$ or one credit
Darlingtonia californica 0
Dionaea muscipula 6
Dionaea muscipula ‘giant’ 0 (coconut)
Drosera capensis ‘Alba’ 19
Drosera anglica 0 @Jonathan
Drosera binata OP 8
Drosera capensis 7
Drosera capensis ‘red’ 4
Drosera capensis ‘Wide leaf’ 10
Drosera filiformis 2 (horticulturally produced)
Drosera nidiformis 3
Drosera omissa 0
Drosera rotundifolia 9 (horticulturally produced)
Drosera spatulata ‘Gold Coast’ 0
Drosera spatulata ‘Tamlin’ 3
Drosera spatulata ‘Giant’ 4
Drosera spatulata surprise mix 8
Drosera snyderi 0 (coconut)
Drosera tokaiensis coming
Drosera paradoxa ‘Type form’ 0
Drosera venusta 3
Nepenthes mirabilis X northiana 3
Nepenthes mirabilis X [("Viking" x ampullaria) x veitchii "pink"] 4
Nepenthes ("Viking" x ampullaria "Black Miracle") X [("Viking" x ampullaria) x veitchii "pink"] 6
Nepenthes ("Viking" x ampullaria "Black Miracle") X northiana 4
Nepenthes [mirabilis x ("Viking" x ampullaria "Black Miracle") X [("Viking" x ampullaria) x veitchii "pink"] 4
Nepenthes (“Viking” x ampullaria) X (“Viking” x ampullaria) 2
Sarracenia purpurea (Quebec) 5
Sarracenia purpurea (Pine Barrens) 5
Sarracenia surprise mix 7

House plant seed 3$ or .5 of a credit
biophytum sensitivum (touch sensitive) 5 seeds 1

Tomato ‘Beefsteak’ 10
Tomato ‘Black Krim’ 1
Tomato ‘Blue beach’ 10
Tomato ‘Belaya vismya’ 1
Tomato ‘Current’ 10
Tomato ‘Chinese striped’ 3
Tomato ‘Hanna’s dwarf’ 25 seeds 1
Tomato ‘Indigo’ 10
Tomato ‘Lemmon boy’ 10
Tomato ‘Medusa’ 10
Tomato ‘Mellow Yellow’ 10
Tomato ‘Mortgage lifter’ 10
Tomato ‘Green Zebra’ 1
Tomato ‘Great White’ 1
Tomato ‘Golden Gem’ 5
Tomato ‘Native Sun’ 1
Tomato ‘Old German’ 25 seeds 2
Tomato ‘Orange Hat’ (micro) 1
Tomato ‘Purple Ukrainian’ 1
Tomato ‘Small red’ 10
Tomato ‘Yellow pear’ 10

Flower seed 3$ or .5 of a credit
Bean Ruby moon hyacinth vine 5
Black eyed Susan 8
Douglas aster 8
Lily of the valley 6
Malva Zebrina 4
Orange Sneezeweed 8
Pink 4 O’clocks 3
Snapdragon 4
Snapdragon ‘Tall Red’ 3
Snapdragon ‘Tall Pink’ 3
Signet paprika marigold 4
Tashkent marigold 4

Donation credits
@Lloyd Gordon .8 credit
@DaniL 4.2 credit
@Stini 2.5
@Trapper J 12 credits
@WillyCKH 5.2
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It’s yours! :)

Pygmy seed can be difficult to start. That Drosera omissa seed is from my own plant. I sowed some emptyish seed pods after I shook them out on 50% peat 50% sand with a sand top dressing. It took a while, about 4 months but I have some clumps of seedlings now!
It’s yours! :)

Pygmy seed can be difficult to start. That Drosera omissa seed is from my own plant. I sowed some emptyish seed pods after I shook them out on 50% peat 50% sand with a sand top dressing. It took a while, about 4 months but I have some clumps of seedlings now!
View attachment 25519
What was the temperature (C) during the sowing period, tropical or highland ?
18-25 degrees sub tropical :)

18-25 degrees sub tropical :)

Thank Steve
Most carnivorous plant seeds prefer to be stored long term in a refrigerator at 3 degrees or so, in a dry air tight container or ziplock bag. Otherwise, the frost free cycle on the refrigerator will dehydrate them. Except Nepenthes they should be stored at room temperature, but not for long.

So I wouldn’t worry about some seeds, especially Dionaea, Sarracenia or most Drosera in the winter but would avoid letting the more tropical carnivorous plant seeds sit in a mailbox for long. Maybe drop seeds off in a post office box indoors in the winter and let the person know the expected delivery date so they don’t sit out for too long in the well below zero temperatures.
Any interest in seeds from some flowers that are great at attracting pollinators? I have large amounts of Douglas aster seeds, orange sneezeweed, black-eyed susan, and two lovely types of marigolds that helped deter the rats from my tomatoes this summer :D
The seed bank received a massive donation of flower garden and tomato seeds today from a very generous member @DaniL ! Stay tuned as I add them to the list these next few days.

Thank you for contributing! I will tally up and let you know your earned credits!
Glad they made it :) Forgive me for not counting the seeds in each packet, but I made sure each one had a good pinch or more of seeds, and far more than most people would need in a season.