Teiantha occedentialis gone to seed


Hello all!

It appears the seed head has finally split on my plant. I'm nervous about the viability but the photos I've taken appear to show a seed casing (or other membrane) around a much smaller seed that looks decent. Sorry for the printer ink splatters and poor focus, I'm new to this camera.

I've promised some of these seeds already last year and will have to check in to see if those people want some, but have a few packets avaliable for those who feel alright betting on their germination rates. You'll get at least 10 seeds, though the packs have more than that. Please don't get your hopes up in case the seeds do not sprout well. Because of my worry about germination, people will only have to pay postage, as long as you're okay with me sending it by lettermail it should be very cheap. If you're international, please ensure you can recieve seeds from Canada :)

I have (last revised 09/28/2024) 2 packets currently


If someone who knows about seeds sees this, do they look half-decent? lol
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Great photos! That seed looks good to me. Those show perfectly the reticulate (net-like), inflated seed coat that is one of the main ways to distinguish Triantha occidentalis from Triantha glutinosa. Triantha glutinosa would not have a seed coat. https://nwwildflowers.com/compare/?t=Triantha+occidentalis,+Triantha+glutinosa. Would you happen to know the provenance of your plant? I'd really like to get some seed from you. Most of what I grow is Triantha glutinosa and I really want as many plants from as many locations as possible to compare characteristics like I mention above. It'd be neat to key them out to subspecies level.
Triantha glutinosa would not have a seed coat. [...] Would you happen to know the provenance of your plant?
That's so neat to learn! Thank you for the information. I assumed because they had this coat that they could be underdeveloped, but am glad that's not the case. I still have seeds to send. I do indeed know the location as it's a piece of property of my family's on the Sunshine Coast in BC. I'd be happy to include a more specific information on where it is, I'll provide it in a PM where we can discuss seeds as we've unfortunately had an influx of bad-faith trespassers lately and I'm hesitant to mention it publicly now.
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