
I 'll have to think about that; I've had some bad experiences with AliExpress, enough to make me very reluctant to buy from that site.
I've had very good experiences with AliExpress. You do have to know the shipping options. I've had some duds but almost always get refunds. I just ordered a multifunction oscilloscope for about Can$140 so wish me luck!
I looked at the micropipette link. There's tracking on the shipping so I think you're fairly safe.
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Sounds like a Hamilton syringe. You can get some 50uL ones on Amazon, they aren't cheap but are accurate, high precision, and last forever if taken care of.

Very possibly. The picture of a 10μL Hamilton syringe that I found on a vendor website matches my memory, to the extent that it's possible to gauge dimensions of thin metal and glass from an online picture. As I recall, the one back in that lab hadn't been taken care of well enough; the plunger had a kink in it, though it could still be pushed into the glass body.
Got my multifunction oscilloscope in 10 days, works perfectly. Was $60 cheaper than local price. Will it keep working? Hope so!