Carnivorous Plant Society of Canada
Plant of the Month (POTM) contest Rules:
1- This month for the special plant of the month! You may post a picture of a display of different plants such as an outdoor bog, window ledge, terrarium, glass cabinet, grow room or just a single plant.
2- The plant must be grown by the member for at least 3 months, or is grown from seed by the member if less than 3 months old.
3- The picture(s) have to be taken in the month of the contest, and taken by the member.
4- No 'In situ'/ wild plants; only cultivated plants are allowed.
5- Multiple pictures of the same plant can be posted, in the same post. Only the first picture will be forwarded to the voting thread.
6 - If posting a single plant it must be clearly identified.
Please use full name when applicable: for example, use "Drosera capensis", instead of "D. capensis" or "Cape sundew".
For unknown hybrid or seed grown plants without ID, for example, use "Sarracenia (hybrid)" or "Sarracenia (No-ID)".
7 - Members may POST the entry from 2024-06-01to 2024-06-30 included.
8 - Entries will be voted in the following month. Voting dates may vary.
9 - The winner of each month will be recorded in the Plant of the Month CPSC HALL OF FAME.
10 - By participating, members are giving consent to allow CPSC to utilize contest photos for CPSC promotions, social media, and other fund-raising items.
11 - Only one entry per member, in one post. Please avoid changing your entry!
12 - Please upload your photo entry to the forum with the highest resolution and avoid using long & narrow photos.
13 - International members are welcomed to participate too. Enjoy!
Plant of the Month (POTM) contest Rules:
1- This month for the special plant of the month! You may post a picture of a display of different plants such as an outdoor bog, window ledge, terrarium, glass cabinet, grow room or just a single plant.
2- The plant must be grown by the member for at least 3 months, or is grown from seed by the member if less than 3 months old.
3- The picture(s) have to be taken in the month of the contest, and taken by the member.
4- No 'In situ'/ wild plants; only cultivated plants are allowed.
5- Multiple pictures of the same plant can be posted, in the same post. Only the first picture will be forwarded to the voting thread.
6 - If posting a single plant it must be clearly identified.
Please use full name when applicable: for example, use "Drosera capensis", instead of "D. capensis" or "Cape sundew".
For unknown hybrid or seed grown plants without ID, for example, use "Sarracenia (hybrid)" or "Sarracenia (No-ID)".
7 - Members may POST the entry from 2024-06-01to 2024-06-30 included.
8 - Entries will be voted in the following month. Voting dates may vary.
9 - The winner of each month will be recorded in the Plant of the Month CPSC HALL OF FAME.
10 - By participating, members are giving consent to allow CPSC to utilize contest photos for CPSC promotions, social media, and other fund-raising items.
11 - Only one entry per member, in one post. Please avoid changing your entry!
12 - Please upload your photo entry to the forum with the highest resolution and avoid using long & narrow photos.
13 - International members are welcomed to participate too. Enjoy!