Both are in the family Nymphalidae with the red admiral being Vanessa atlanta and the monarch Dansus plexippus. As the suggested rank implies the monarch is bigger than the red admiral and the monarch has a mostly orange inner margins with a black outer margin to the wings.
I have Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed) in the front and incarnata (swamp) in the back. Common is big and invasive. Swamp is big but more delicate and ornamental. Both smell good and are loved by pollinators and monarchs. Aphids are common in late summer and can be removed with an artists' paintbrush. I have seeds.
I have Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed) in the front and incarnata (swamp) in the back. Common is big and invasive. Swamp is big but more delicate and ornamental. Both smell good and are loved by pollinators and monarchs. Aphids are common in late summer and can be removed with an artists' paintbrush. I have seeds.
You have seeds of which kind, the front or the back yard ? Seeds take long to germinate ? will see if there are plants at local nurseries next spring...
Yummy, gnat soup. I put that gnat on there yesterday.
P. Johanna

Hi, how do you call that white bug ? It doesn't jump and moves like ants... Also, does not fly ... What might it be ? Any thought ? It comes as a surprise while I took picture of the flower...

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