PawPaw tree.

I didn't have room on the deck so I stuck them in the backyard amongst other plants. Have to wait to see if they survived the winter.
Looks like the lil pawpaw army made it go us!

oh what? I never knew these could be grown in Canada
I always assumed they were from wherever mangoes are from. India, perhaps.
I am looking forward to seeing updates on this tree!
No they are Carolinian. Some varieties are more cold tolerant (for Toronto maybe). It's just an experiment. We'll see.
The ones i over wintered in the barn in pots did very well i now need to plant like 20+ 2-3 year olds lol
I found another bigger Pawpaw tree close by with no fruits, probably a male. Also all around the fruiting tree are little suckers.
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Most of the pawpaws were already eaten. I managed to find a few on the ground that weren't eaten.
This one was really squishy, getting discoloured with a strong tropical fruit smell. I felt we should eat it before it went bad. Turned out it was fairly custardy with some firm bits. Maybe not quite ready. The taste was much stronger and very sweet. Everyone thought it was good. The actual taste wasn't like anything I can describe, with overtones of very ripe bananas and a hint of "tropical" fruit mixes. Essentially it tasted like a pawpaw.
I had some with homemade yogurt, pretty good.


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