Outside growing

It is unseasonably warm again this winter over here, I am only expecting one night below zero in the next 10, it’s more like March than January
At around noon today, the summer solstice, under a clear sky, I measured the PAR. It was around 2000 (expected around 1900). Under Willy's LED light, the PAR is super high at the LED's but 200 at 21 cm. below the lights, the same as for new T5HO Sunblaster bulbs. That's why Sarr's need the Sun (and tomatoes too).
My babies.
Nice, Lloyd! I got half a dozen sarrs from labine but have yet to make a bog pot. I may yet make an inground bog. I thought it might be too cold for that but I had all sorts of veggies re-animate this spring after a winter under the snow. Maybe I'll add a bale of hay for insurance.
I don't know about you, but my sarracenias are loving the heat wave we have right now. They are growing fast. It reaches 38C to 40C in the greenhouse.
More than 1 week of full sun, >30°C, no rain. I just put my microbogs in the shady part of the deck for now.
Even with the earthboxes full of water the tomatoes are wilting a bit at the tips. I'm rotating the plants 180° during full sun to let the leaves cool a bit.
That's why I put my plants in the shade. The sun & heat soak up the water like crazy.
I want to prevent the crispies.
Over 30°C and no rain for at least two more weeks!
my backyard is open and the garage is full of building material so I have no choice right now. still its a hot one...or two...or seven...
Mine did great with the heat wave, no problem at all. I was a bit worried for my purpurea that are more comfortable up north, but all of them did great too. I was glad to have an osmosed unit because that did require lots of water. In my backyard, it was 38C, that's a record hot for my location. that lasted for a week. Sarracenias are amazing, really. Even one little tiny purpurea seedling went through this no problem.
Snowed all day but the Sarr's are still outside! Still no serious freezes yet. Will the plants make it to December on the deck?