ON - western - Huron County



This is a small plant with amazingly long flower scape height (62 cm). The pitchers have a narrow base and wide top. The lid is not very big and quite flat. The flowers are small.
It took me a long time to grow this one up. Unfortunately it didn't produce any pollen yet, but maybe I can cross it with other (typical) plants from the same site grown from seed in the future in order to get more healthy antho-free plants.
Very nice, vigorous AF plants with location data are a rare thing need. One of my goals over the next few years is to produce sibling crosses with AF and regular plants to produces het, which then in turn can be crossed. Long process but someone needs to do it.
Very nice, vigorous AF plants with location data are a rare thing need. One of my goals over the next few years is to produce sibling crosses with AF and regular plants to produces het, which then in turn can be crossed. Long process but someone needs to do it.

They are neat, I remember when I lived in Ontario in the Muskoka area I saw literally hundreds of AF Purps. In fact they were so common where I lived I never classified them as "rare" until I read this post. Wish I new about this forum sooner and had a camera with me.