Nepenthes flowers, pollination and Identifying sex

Ok makes sense to me!!... It's nice to be able to bounce these types of question off people with great knowledge that you can trust rather than go to google and go down God knows what rabbit hole.... I appreciate this fourm so much

I have, what I believe, is a Nepenthes spectabilis cutting that I purchased about six months ago. Today, I noticed that it's flowering, which is a first for me. As far as sexing goes, I'm quite confident that it's male, judging by the pictures from this thread. My question is whether it would be okay for the flowering to continue, considering that it's a cutting from six months ago, or if this would be too stressful for the plant?

Thank you.

My well established Nepenthes shrink the next couple pitchers size by half after flowering. Seems like it takes a lot of out of them, would definitely cut a flower stalk off a recent cutting or unestablished plant.
My well established Nepenthes shrink the next couple pitchers size by half after flowering. Seems like it takes a lot of out of them, would definitely cut a flower stalk off a recent cutting or unestablished plant.
If you don't need it to further ID the sex of the plant, I'd recommend cutting the flower stalk. Unestablished plant like this will likely not produce any healthy viable pollens.

That's what I was thinking, I'll definitely be cutting the stalk, just want to make sure this cutting thrives! Thanks :)