My project is to show how people grow their nepenthes on windowsill


Carnivorous Plant Addict
Hi all,

When I was in France, I often visited the other carnivorous plants growers who lived around me, to see how they were growing their plants and that taught me a lot. (and I really miss it too).
(At that time it was mainly for temperate species of carnivorous plants).
I would like to reproduce this but with the size of Canada, it’s very difficult!
As a scale, the France size = the Manitoba size...

So, I thought about it and the best way to be able to "visit other growers from a distance" was to use YouTube.
At work, I use a software that allows to have speakers who speak together (with split-screen).
That allow me to be able to interview people and they can answer my questions and show what they want (here it would be their installation and plants).
So it's technically possible. This concept of video where nepenthes tips are exchanged does not exist on YouTube. This is why I made this channel.
Sharing photo of our windowsill are great, but we can't really learn from it.

And now, I just have to do it, to find people interested in sharing.
I created a YouTube channel and I plan to put all the interview (I will need to find a name fore that) on it.

I hesitated to speak to you about it for a long time (for fear of being ridiculous) but here I go!
here is somehow the pilot video (Sorry in advance for the terrible French accents :eek:):

The questions will be simple:
  • What species are you growing on this windowsill?
  • What substrate do you use?
  • What Temperature and Humidity do you have?
  • Where did you got your plants?
  • What gears do you have? (Sprayer, Humidifier, Hygrometer, Thermometer, Lighting. If possible, with the name of the brand so people can find it.)
  • What are the favorite nepenthes you grow?
  • Do you have tips for beginners?
As you see, nothing fancy.

Happy growing to all of you!

I plan to start with North American's growers but as soon as I can, I'd like to try to interview worldwide. :)

Please, if you want to show me/us your setup: PM me:)
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Cool idea! I don't really have anything to offer cause my plants are all in tents (and i mean really intense)
But I subscribed and am looking forward to seeing where this project goes
Maybe windowsill terrariums could be a subsection?
I was thinking about doing something similar with a terrarium i found but I dont really know what i should be taking into account
Sure, as long as it's not a grow chamber or a greenhouse. :)
lol thanks. Happy that it's not too painful.

my Nepenthes go outside if it’s above 20C in a tent.
But I keep them em on the windowsill table with a humidifier at night :) awesome project that!
Really nice idea R.
I really like your video.
It was really easy to understand and I felt attracted by your idea.
Unfortunately, I don't keep CPs on windowsill anymore because they weren't growing right that way in my home :(
I'll not be able to help this time (and my English is waaaaay to bad too ;) ).
Thank you for the comments :)
I know it will be hard to find growers ready to share their experience but I'll try anyway :)
If you know someone that does grow nep' in windowsill...

I just want to show that's this is doable if you choose the right species, especially you have way more than a Ventrata ;)
This is a great idea! Especially because you live in such a cold climate where indoor humidity can get so low in the winter. This, like all ideas, has in some way been done before of course. This old website was devoted to a similar idea. However, they were growing in coastal California (if I recall correctly) and haven't updated the site in years. I think you are doing something much more detailed, bringing it up to date, and under conditions that will allow others to believe that they too could accomplish this without being in a favored climate. I love this project! Please post updates here.