Looking to try parasites.

Cool! I have a pot of Artemesia frigida sitting around that I’m thinking about using as a host for C. miniata. Do you think it would work?
And also, when did you plant them?
Might be worth a try. I'm pretty sure miniata also uses Eriophyllum lanatum as a host plant. I usually see it in association with grasses but I think it might be one of the species that is more of a generalist as far as hosts go.
If you Join N.A.R.G.S. (North American Rock Garden Society) they often have tons of interesting seed in their seed exchange including Pedicularis, Castilleja, etc. heres an example:

3075 Castilleja chromosa yellow-orange Nevada: Washoe Co 2438m 72 W
3076 Castilleja flava yellow 100cm Colorado: Rio Blanco Co 74 W
3077 Castilleja sp 10-15cm Alaska: Bison Gulch 28 W

Here's a link: https://www.nargs.org/seed-exchange/seed-list?page=7#plant-alphabet
Thank you! I’ll definitely check them out.
It's been a long time. I cold stratified in the fridge over winter. Good germination in the spring and planted them in the host pot. Not terribly hard but not easy. See my thread. I seem to remember that I had the host plants already ready.