Looking for systemic pesticides does anyone have


Hi Guys, does anyone have systemic pesticide. I noticed one my vft bristletooth have insects in it and distorted trap and the second new trap is already black. I think from my previous post they are pest. My temp here is 27 to 28 degrees but humidity is too high. One thing that they likes is high temp not humidity so i think it slowed them not to populate so fast as i have high humidity. I have submerged this plant last two years ago and still its being hit. Could be hibernation. I need systemic pesticide does anyone have? Or does anyone have tips on how to kill them. Thank you.


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Just enter "systemic" in facebook marketplace. You may find someone selling it in your area. If if in greater Vancouver area, there currently are 2 people selling some. It works good for tripps . Do take care of how you dump any waste water though as it can kill off natural fauna ( eg fish) if dumped into sewers . It's banned in Canada.
I already message willy on it. I bought some from him. So far i didnt see any insect on other plants. I usually submerge the plant to remedy it usually works for me. But to make sure i just bought from willy. I will keep them if it gets worst i could use them in an emergency. Thanks
I already message willy on it. I bought some from him. So far i didnt see any insect on other plants. I usually submerge the plant to remedy it usually works for me. But to make sure i just bought from willy. I will keep them if it gets worst i could use them in an emergency. Thanks
Where are you located? I have a jug of systemic that I mixed a few weeks ago to treat an aphid infestation that you can have if you're around the Lower Mainland.