I'm a hobbyist of Nepenthes especially of clustering types like Ampullaria. I originally started the hobby ~3 years ago when I bout some seeds from a woman named Natta Chang for Viking x ampularria x 2 different Ampullaria crosses. One batch had a ~90 % germ rate the other about 50-60%. They grew for a year producing small round pods/pitchers by the end of 1 year. at ~ 1 year of growth the small plants all died from lack of moisture: I forgot to water them, they all dried out. So a few days ago i got back into it ordering an Ampullaria type Nepenthes, distinction with the pitcher: it looks like a regular clustering/basal type of Ampullaria, pitcher.. The pictures are of the original species I had and the the second is the new plant I recently ordered. Anyway I'm growing the Nepenthes in a 30 gallon tank with temp control/warm, and >86 moisture under 95. (temp. daytime 23 to 27) . It's not just the plants for me I'm working on some medium experiments. So far I will be testing a humate rich medium low in NPK to see if a single test nepenthes responds well. In nature Nepenthes are seen I noticed with a lot of leaf type litter. So There must be a lot of humates present. Humates specifically for nutrient uptake acceleration. Possible growth from more root based nutrition is the idea. That and a sphagnum moss growing technique based on observation from Christmas moss growth.. So I like the plants and have 2 general experiments to do. One , the moss experiment is working, two, the humates is to be tested but it could work as well. For the moss I think it is about radiant moisture - a ~steam, water vapor production. Just water in a fish tank is not ideal I think. An overnight observation with the Christmas moss: the moss appeared very healthy the next day after there was ~proper moisture.. Anyway that's all I got. And I also grow vegetables, plum x 3[Toka, Back Ice, Ozark] nectarines x 4[Fantasia, Flavortop, Harko, and Saturn the doughnut peach], figs x9(a variety that produces good fruit in Vancouver's climate - Adriatic, also working on Ronde De Bordeaux cuttings over this winter) trees, blueberries[1 Tophat], table grapes, for fresh eating x 4 varieties, strawberries, raspberries and want a dwarf mango some day indoors.
By the way, I just ordered some seeds for speckled green lip, and red Ampullaria just yesterday. The picture - #3 is of the pod from the manufacturer. I ordered 2 pods - 1 x Amplularia speckled and 1 x Ampullaria red.
By the way, I just ordered some seeds for speckled green lip, and red Ampullaria just yesterday. The picture - #3 is of the pod from the manufacturer. I ordered 2 pods - 1 x Amplularia speckled and 1 x Ampullaria red.
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