Hi from Victoria Bc!

Hi everyone! New to growing carnivorous plants but I always wanted some since I was a little kid. Started last month and it’s since ballooned into 20 Sundews/Pings and 13 different Neps species in their own 5x5 grow tent. Glad to see there’s so much local representation on this forum.
If anyone knows where to get different nep species other than Rebecca Soper/St Gaya, Sanguinea/Ventrata in the stores around here I’d appreciate it. Pretty sure I’ve checked every single place from here to Duncan and they all seem to have the same stock.
Thanks so much and glad to have found this forum!

I'm a fairly new grower myself, but I've also sort-of fallen down the nepenthes rabbit hole over the last couple of years. I'm in Vancouver, so I don't have quite the same selection of local shops as you, but as far as I can tell, basically the only ways to get interesting types of nepenthes are to (a) find a person who's selling them, or (b) order from an online shop. And then in either case, if the seller isn't local, or sometimes even if they are, you're paying an extra $20+ for shipping--which is how I always convince myself that I'm basically losing money if I don't buy several at a time. :P
...And yet, every time I stumble on a new plant shop, I go in hoping to find a new type of nepenthes available that I don't own yet, and I'm basically always disappointed. It's like I don't learn.

That said, sometimes people do post nepenthes sales on this forum (I think there might be a couple currently ongoing), and there's also sometimes an option to get in on an international group order, if there's something specific and hard to find that you're looking for.

I'm curious -- what types of nepenthes have you managed to get already? :D
Welcome! Im also in the Victoria area. Unfortunately no extra Nepenthes at the moment but since your local and no shipping is necessary I have an extra Pinguicula gigantea for free if you don’t already have that in your collection.

I'm a fairly new grower myself, but I've also sort-of fallen down the nepenthes rabbit hole over the last couple of years. I'm in Vancouver, so I don't have quite the same selection of local shops as you, but as far as I can tell, basically the only ways to get interesting types of nepenthes are to (a) find a person who's selling them, or (b) order from an online shop. And then in either case, if the seller isn't local, or sometimes even if they are, you're paying an extra $20+ for shipping--which is how I always convince myself that I'm basically losing money if I don't buy several at a time. :p
...And yet, every time I stumble on a new plant shop, I go in hoping to find a new type of nepenthes available that I don't own yet, and I'm basically always disappointed. It's like I don't learn.

That said, sometimes people do post nepenthes sales on this forum (I think there might be a couple currently ongoing), and there's also sometimes an option to get in on an international group order, if there's something specific and hard to find that you're looking for.

I'm curious -- what types of nepenthes have you managed to get already? :D
I know that feeling very well, went out again today and saw nothing new. Even tried random interior decorating shops today just in case.
So far my collection is
3x Sanguinea
1x Rebecca Soper
1x Mirabilis var Globosa x Hamata
1x Singalana
1x Ventrata
1x Veitchii
1x Hookeriana
1x Hirisuta x Spathulata
1x St Gaya
1x Alata
4x I have no idea yet.
I’m thinking online is one of the only ways to go from here.
Welcome! Im also in the Victoria area. Unfortunately no extra Nepenthes at the moment but since your local and no shipping is necessary I have an extra Pinguicula gigantea for free if you don’t already have that in your collection.
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Oh I appreciate that! I’ve ran out of room for pings and others until I get my hands on a nice lava rock so I can throw everyone on there. I’d love to see more pics of your collection though!
Welcome to the forum!

I'm a local in victoria, and trying to get out of nepenthes myself... your list is quite good for 'local shops only'

Have any photos to share? :D
Welcome to the forum!

I'm a local in victoria, and trying to get out of nepenthes myself... your list is quite good for 'local shops only'

Have any photos to share? :D
Yeah it’s not just local shops, one person turned me on to BGH and my more interesting ones are from him. Most of the unknown ones are from FB. I’ll post a couple pictures when I re-read how to do that again haha