Same here! I know of a few from Nanaimo and a couple others from the surrounding area but I don't believe any of them are active on the forums.
The psittacina/leuc hybrid is that Scarlett Belle? Ive had that one for close to 10 years but has never flowered for me and has always produced very small pitchers. It filled its pot this year so I divided it up and put it in a new bigger bog I made this year, hopefully it will enjoy it in there if not Ill be pulling it out and replacing.
I haven't really had any just completely die off but more of a slow painful existence lol. I got a random leuc 2 summers ago and the first summer it did well, survived the winter but was smaller than the last summer and this year I thought it was dead but its made 2 small pitchers so far. I didn't do anything special except move it under a covered deck away from the elements and covered it during our cold spells with a blanket. Same thing happened with my VFTs but I suspect they might have been too wet during the winter. I don't like to fuss too much with the outdoor plants, if they make it great if not I move on and try something different.
I believe it is. i got it unmarked though.
Mine seems to be doing well this year. hasn't flowered yet but i got it when it was very young.
Unfortunately I think my minor and one of the alata are toast :c
I am thinking of making a large bog planter, money really isn't on the table for it tho. I got a table for my stuff and before i moved em into the garage, but this year I did build a encasement i can slip over top to cover it and it has doors to access inside.
I would like to meet and maybe sell or trade with other local growers, or very least just stay connected.
Especially good to know growing tips for the specific area and climate.