Glass box and driftwood


Carnivorous Plant Addict
Hey guys. Started sterilizing a piece of driftwood today. My plan is not at all set, so any advice or suggestions! Stuff to work with:
  • Square glass container, measuring 8" H, W, and D
  • Snazzy driftwood
  • Small submersible pump
  • LED light ring on a stick, not confident that it will be enough but am going to try it
  • Aquarium rocks + whatever other planting medium
And the plants I'm considering
  • mini Phalaenopsis (last one of my dad's small collection)
  • a rooted Aeschynanthus, maybe
  • and not sure which CPs ... I have a small Heli that I'm considering because it doesn't like my terrarium
  • going to add a chunk of pumice for a few pings
  • I have a few tiny Nepenthes bellii from @Lloyd Gordon that might be a good candidate
  • and can move other CPs I have ... just not sure

How are you able to divert your gaze to your monitor? Is that the Haida Gwaii moss on the base (light yellow -green) or on the driftwood, or both? Is it very different from the live spaghnum moss?
Really loving how this box is developing.
  • Had to remove almost all the moss around the orchid. First bloom opened this morning.
  • Under a little handheld microscope, can see that it's teaming with the little dotted isopods, and the odd springtail.
  • There is constant flow of water around the darlingtonia.
  • Pings are on lava rock. Lots of roots, no flowers.
  • The drosera seeds that sprouted in little edges and cracks of the driftwood are developing nicely, the rest not so much.
  • Have to top up the water frequently, maybe every 3 or 4 days.
  • The black "stuff" is covering surfaces faster than I like, so have started unplugging the water pump for a few hours to let things partially dry out - something to try. Haven't exchanged the water yet - might see if that makes any difference, but don't want to make any changes that could affect the isopods.




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