Glad to announced the 3 years in-vitro program was approuved and starts 2024

Les serres de Paolo Inc.

Carnivorous Plant Addict
I’m so excited to announced the first funding of 375k$ for in-vitro program for the next 3 years!

Gents will need help collecting maximum species to reproduces so please fell free to contact me for suppling plants!

I have already some suppling plants but with this big program will need the maximum plants available. Will look to import from all the world also for more rare plants.

Have a great week!

Congratulations! Are you planning on posting your progress?
Thanks sure, I will let you informed! I have already started in my own lab around 140 culture vessel by myself while I was waiting for the grant. Starting next year a private lab will make most of the tissue culture research and production for each species of carnivorous plants. It will be an intensive 3 year program.

I will need many different species so will take all the help I can get!
What’s the grant for, what research are you doing?
Main mission is to produce all carnivorous plants locally so we don’t rely on importation, in order words, we will be supplying carnivorous plants to Province of Quebec and eventually all Canada, no more need to import it from the USA per example. Research of which recipe will produce the better reproduction for each species from tissue culture. So many things will be done like enabling mutation for creating new products, quality control of clones from mother plants with DNA testing, etc.

And this 3 year program is only the beginning…. ;)
How did apply for a grant and from which part of the government? Canada or quebec. Didnt know one can get grants unless one was a phd pile and deeper type of person..or at least a MSc. Type of academic.
How did apply for a grant and from which part of the government? Canada or quebec. Didnt know one can get grants unless one was a phd pile and deeper type of person..or at least a MSc. Type of academic.
It’s all done by professional working in tissue culture private lab, and it’s Federal grant. A good way to keep the expertise in Canada and develop locally, this projet will create jobs and promote local economy instead of buying plants outside of Canada and keeping our specialist in Canada aswell ;)
I was doing my inspection of the culture vessel and found this Drosera graomogolensis leaf curled like it catched a bug! I taught once the leaf is cut the leaf won’t be active for bug catching…it has been bleached and sterilize so funny that it moved, when I put in the culture vessel it was flat on the medium.

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