Few Cephalotus

Right now it's 50%. But in the winter time it drops down to about 35%. I do randomly lose pitchers as well. Will be looking great and all of a sudden half the pitchers will die.
But then within the week or two it's pumping out a bunch of new, healthy pitchers.

I will add that some clones are a lot more susceptible to losing pitchers than others.
I have one line of clone that will reliably die back to practically nothing and then go wild afterwards.
I thought the contrast between a newly opened pitcher, against the dark older pitchers was nice.

My "German Giant" clone (sourced from Canadian collections) also clumps like yours but does not make what I would call giant pitchers. Colorful, but not big as the name suggests!

The German Giant clone from German or European collections has large pitchers and is possibly the original/true "German Giant". It is said to be the TC cultured version of the famous Harald Weiner Giant clone