Drosera regia

Well a few weeks later now and they're growing steadily, looks like I might have a 5th one popping up too. My two adult plants are both starting to flower as well which is exciting. I bought some seeds this fall and got quite a few to germinate but all died out after a couple weeks, think I needed to start feeding them sooner. Hoping I can produce some seed from these plants and try again.





My regia is aborting leaves before they fully open, then tips start going black. I can't seem to find out why...
I've tried not giving it temp swings, steady at 20C. I've also tried giving it a nightly temp drop down to 10C. I've had it for 4 months now. Any ideas?
Overall health doesn't seem to be declining but it's just a mystery to me
My regia's mostly died. I have one in the terrarium which is holding it's own but not thriving.
My regia is aborting leaves before they fully open, then tips start going black. I can't seem to find out why...
I've tried not giving it temp swings, steady at 20C. I've also tried giving it a nightly temp drop down to 10C. I've had it for 4 months now. Any ideas?
Overall health doesn't seem to be declining but it's just a mystery to me
Can you post a picture of it?

When indoors I grow mine with 25c days and 16-18c nights, with roughly 60% humidity. My media is approximately 1 part peat, 1 part LFS, 2 parts perlite and I water once or twice a week, no tray. I fertilize foliar 2-3 times a month at 100ppm either with an orchid fert or maxsea and then once a month or so I fertilize the roots with the same solution. Lights are on for 14-16 hours and is very bright light as you can tell by the colour.

I move them outside in the spring in full sun and they do even better outside for me. Humidity is usually around 30% in the summer and they don't mind so I don't think humidity is very important. I keep them outside until mid November when frosts start to become a possibility. I water more when they're outside and when it's real hot I put them in a shallow tray so I don't have to water every day. I allow the tray to dry before watering again.
Can you post a picture of it?

When indoors I grow mine with 25c days and 16-18c nights, with roughly 60% humidity. My media is approximately 1 part peat, 1 part LFS, 2 parts perlite and I water once or twice a week, no tray. I fertilize foliar 2-3 times a month at 100ppm either with an orchid fert or maxsea and then once a month or so I fertilize the roots with the same solution. Lights are on for 14-16 hours and is very bright light as you can tell by the colour.

I move them outside in the spring in full sun and they do even better outside for me. Humidity is usually around 30% in the summer and they don't mind so I don't think humidity is very important. I keep them outside until mid November when frosts start to become a possibility. I water more when they're outside and when it's real hot I put them in a shallow tray so I don't have to water every day. I allow the tray to dry before watering again.

Here it is, 2 plants in the image, I did not have peat on hand when I got it so it's grown in lfs + perlite. Light is automated to local time so it's about 8 hours or so. I'll be putting it under stronger lights come mid feb when I take my other plants out of dormancy. It does have osmocote in the media. I got it late october so it hasn't seen a growing season under my setup just yet
Mine gets those black tips too sometimes, not sure why. I dont think peat is necessary but I would definitely increase the hours on the lighting if possible.
Will put them on 16 hours come March. I use 0 TDS RO but being too dry could be plausible. I've been keeping it on the drier side because the ICPS website and some google results recommend it. I'll try keeping it a little more moist to see if it grows better