Drosera Regia "King Sundew"


Would anyone have any drosera regia seedlings or seeds for sale? Would love some for my collection.
Root clippings are a great way to trade this sundew! It’s long roots will grow out of the bottom of the pot and can be trimmed off and mailed without really disturbing the plant. Thought I would mention this as I know you been looking for a while. I’m not currently growing regia and unfortunately can’t help you, hopefully someone else here can.
Root clippings are a great way to trade this sundew! It’s long roots will grow out of the bottom of the pot and can be trimmed off and mailed without really disturbing the plant. Thought I would mention this as I know you been looking for a while. I’m not currently growing regia and unfortunately can’t help you, hopefully someone else here can.

Thanks for the tip! Are they fairly easy to propagate from root clippings? By the way, thanks again for the drosera spatulata seeds :) I have a few dozen of the little guys now, all a very nice shade of red.
It’s the fastest way to propagate Drosera regia.

All you need is a clear plastic sandwich container, some wet Sphagnum moss and bight light, also not too hot conditions. Place the root section 2inch or larger in amongst the wet Sphagnum moss in the container keep in bright light till little leaf sprouts start showing then reduce the lighting and give it cool conditions like an adult plant.
Definitely! Once the root cuttings have new growth transfer them to a peat perlite mix. I have been finding a lot of sundews struggle in live Sphagnum moss, recently Drosera filiformis. Most do fine for a while, even a year or two but end up petering out, maybe putting too much energy into keeping up with the growth of the moss? It’s hard to beat the half peat half perlite mix for most sundews. Of course there are exceptions like Drosera adelae that grow their best in live Sphagnum.