Yeah, It is working really really well so far! The environmental stability seems to have sped up the growth of all my plants and im seeing some really nice leaf jumps in my nepenthes plants. The heliamphora have their automatic misting system so they dont need me to do anything but appreciate them. They are growing really fast for helis though!
I got one of those reptile tank style humidifiers with the long hose because I was thinking i could save on space by having the humidifier outside the enclosure but I ended up needing to put a container under it to catch the water drips anyway so i didnt save any space there. at least i can refill it without opening the cooler

Here is how it is set up currently. ignore the hanging bags, those are releasing neoseiulus mites onto my plants to protect against thrips and other pests.
Honestly, it doesnt seem to suck up much power. the lights during the day are probably the most power hungry part but they are dimmed down close to min on the nepenthes side and only about 80% on the heliamphora side.
I havent noticed much of a difference in the electricity bill.
The big thing i noticed with this unit that needs to be monitored is: when it kicks in to cool down, it cools the coil and fin assembly thing up top pretty quickly but it ends up totally frozen by the time the thermostat turns it off so the temp keeps dropping by a few more degrees than i have it set to.
With a bit of trial and error, I was able to set the thermostat (it can be set with up to 12 different settings at different times) so that it maxes out at 28º in day time, then after lights out, it starts gradually cooling until it reaches 13º by 4 or 5 am so that its as close to nature as possible.
I am almost out of space in there now!