CP media: do different genera require diff media?


This question is coming from my experience in the orchid world, where some orchids are epiphytes and grow best in sphagnum moss where others are terrestrial and grow best in potting soil. Is this true of the CP genera as well? Do some grow better in one or the other or is there more flexibility based on other cultural factors? Thanks!
Typicaly some types do better in one or the other, but for certain plants it is based on location. For example, some people use sphagnum moss for nepenthes and they do well, and others find that dries way to fast so they use peat with a lot of aeration additives because it doesnt dry out as quick. It takes a bit of trial and error sometimes but its best to start with the media people say works for them for each type of carnivorous plant. That may sound a bit confusing, i hooe you can understand what im trying to say.
Different species tend to like different media but it's not cut and dried. So many environmental variables. For instance I fussed with Utricularia gibba for years and could never reliably grow it despite many different techniques. Finally in disgust I threw the surviving few strands in the bottom of the trays. For years they've formed a solid mat with lots of flowers. That mat in turn is a great media for other Utrics, dews and Byblis.