Tonight from our light polluted Toronto backyard with the neighbor's crazy light we could see Andromeda with my newish telescope. Looked like a blur but I'm impressed. Almach showed as a beautiful double star, one blue, one orange.
It won't look like much, like an extra star in Corona Borealis near Arcturus, should be able to use binoculars. I'm waiting, maybe by September.something to look out for this summer - a white dwarf explosion
It won't look like much, like an extra star in Corona Borealis near Arcturus, should be able to use binoculars. I'm waiting, maybe by September.
Probably Class 4-5 from the backyard; if I go just a km away I'd give it a possible 3-4, as we are on the edge of this small town. But close to Red Deer (100,000+) and Edmonton & Calgary at a million each North & south respectively. "Clear outside" App gives it a 5 right now. Then again, we're in a thunderstorm right now... Also, my neighbors are really fond of patio lanterns & such.A Celestron C8, that's quite a telescope. I have a C6 and it's about as much as I can handle. What's the Bortle reading where you are?