Anywhere I can see S. Purpurea in the Orangeville ON. area?

I have heard that you can find S. Purpurea in the orangeville ON. area (or in one of the other townships near there). Me and my family where going to go up there for the weekend. Does anybody know a conservation area or a bog I could see S. Purpurea in?
probably because we're curious too, I'm from way south so no help hehe
I found this little blurb found here.
Saunder’s Fen is a 17 ha wetland located along County Road 15 between Monticello and Monck.
According to the 1991 Management Plan, fens this size are scarce at this latitude. This fen is
important because it exhibits all three stages of a common fen: open areas dominated by sedges, shrub
dominated areas, and areas treed with tamarack and white cedar. Specific species include leatherleaf,
pitcher plant, Labrador tea, meadowsweet and dwarf birch. It is important to note that this fen has
been impacted by municipal drainage and the fen characteristics have changed.

I would start looking here
I found this little blurb found here.
Saunder’s Fen is a 17 ha wetland located along County Road 15 between Monticello and Monck.
According to the 1991 Management Plan, fens this size are scarce at this latitude. This fen is
important because it exhibits all three stages of a common fen: open areas dominated by sedges, shrub
dominated areas, and areas treed with tamarack and white cedar. Specific species include leatherleaf,
pitcher plant, Labrador tea, meadowsweet and dwarf birch. It is important to note that this fen has
been impacted by municipal drainage and the fen characteristics have changed.

I would start looking here
Ok thanks next time I go up there I'll see if I came find anything
That area is difficult, I recommend driving approx 100 km north to Algonquin provincial park. Purps sightings there are crazy high.

Here are some that might potentially work near your area, but I will give it a 10% chance of having any cps, or even lower. I am just pointing out some spots that may have some if you get lucky.
I recommend satellite view.
43.922455, -79.962840
43.896633751353065, -80.1997694684356
Ignore the destination and start stuff, those are just me looking around and plotting points.!1sfwAbYu_qSKuNGsMTGpC6ig!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
I will keep editing and add new ones as I look.
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I went to street view around the Luther lake area, the nitrogen content seems fairly high and the surrounding habitats may seem difficult for any carnIvorous plants to grow. I will do some research around the area and tell you if I have found any possible locations (I am fairly experienced in doing this).
That area is difficult, I recommend driving approx 100 km north to Algonquin provincial park. Purps sightings there is crazy high.

Here are some that might potentially work near your area, but I will give it a 10% chance of having any cps, or even lower. I am just pointing out some spots that may have some if you get lucky.
I recommend satellite view.
43.922455, -79.962840
43.896633751353065, -80.1997694684356
Ignore the destination and start stuff, those are just me looking around and plotting points.!1sfwAbYu_qSKuNGsMTGpC6ig!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
I will keep editing and add new ones as I look.
thanks, when i go up their again i will explore all of those areas and take some pictures if i see anything!