
I'm almost sure it was sent from China and not Emirates. I think they are trying to trick Canada Post for the reasons you explained.
On a good AE note, I ordered 5 items at once, 3 were combined and got here in 10 days. The other 2 shipping were upgraded.
I didn't realize you can change the shipping options, different vendors may cost a bit more but full tracking may be much cheaper. AE is tricky!
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This is the faked packet with fake tracking number, not the AE one on the website and the fake Emirates stuff. Who knows what the AE tracking was that showed it got to Canada about 6 weeks ago. I wonder if China has spoofing for the tracking number.

This is my project to use a PIC 16F877A to display sensor values on a little OLED screen. So far it has a PM2.5 & CO2 sensor using I2C. More coding to come. The Arduino at the edge is just to provide power.
I ordered 60 cc syringes (for watering the plants) 10 for $10 with shipping and they got here in 9 days. Got to enjoy AE while it lasts.