advice on mold /fungus I have


a handful of my sundew pots that have lots of plants in them also moss have this mold or fungus growing by the dead leaves and spreading , I also noticed it on the moss in my ping pots. I have 120mm fans in my setup. 1 each level. maybe they are crap and not getting enough airflow ?

anyone know reason for it , how to treat it and what it is ????? thanks for the help


I get that in my Drosera and sometimes my Cephalotus. It does look like botrytis, but doesn't seem to affect healthy tissue.

Not much seems to help, even peroxide, isopropyl or a mild fungicide.

It was really annoying on my Cephalotus, so I took all the plants out of the pot got them down to bare roots and rhizome and washed all of them in a sulfur water bath and let them soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Did another soak/wash in RO water and replanted. And I really haven't had too many issues since then with my Cephalotus, and if I see any spots on the soil, I use a q-tip soaked in 99% isopropyl and dab the spot. It takes care of the spot for a good while.
at first I took every dew out to bare root. cut away all the dead growth and mold , repotted and still came back. trying the hydrogen peroxide method for a bit to see what happens. its not harming the plants. just looks bad and spreads. I do need better fans and if it still happens I will try something else. wondering if its a soil thing and I should bake it all
@Les serres de Paolo Inc.
Do you have any fungicides that work on this kind of fuzzy mold? Since you're a large greenhouse, I thought you might have access to some other kinds of stuff that we don't get.
I use this


I have a few in the greenhouse and it produce Dry Hydrogen Peroxyde that kills any virus, bacteria, fungus etc

It’s the same system that Hospital and cannabis producer use.
peroxide helped for a little bit but not for good . find peroxide kills healthy tissue of the sundews but after a week or so new leaves grow back. I increased the wind flow with new/stronger fans .. however it's back again. on soil and dying leaves .. I feel like I have to repot everything and use new soil .... worst ... not sure where it came from. been growing in this setup for a 2-3 years now with no issue



That is pretty yucky.
Maybe clean out all the yuck and dead stuff and grow them in long fibred sphagnum.
Not sure why it's so bad.
If you haven't already, make sure your growing area is hygienic.
Unlikely, but is your area too humid, not any air movement or is there mould in the house?
I cut away the dead stuff and clean out the pot. , spray it with peroxide. its in maybe 15 -20 % of the pots with sundews , I have a bunch.

everywhere else is clean in the grow rack. its an enclosed setup . I even did a spring clean so to say a few months ago , pulled out the trays , rinsed them out, vinegar /water wipe down of all the sides in the rack.. always 70-80% RH day and night bit higher. great air movement. but makes me think thats causing it to spread a bit. like I said never had this issue before and nothing really has changed with the setup other then new fans and going through more water from the heating unit I think. that or fans drying it out faster

those pics are from one pot , closer pics that maybe someone could ID it. give another suggestion to kill it
peroxide helped for a little bit but not for good . find peroxide kills healthy tissue of the sundews but after a week or so new leaves grow back. I increased the wind flow with new/stronger fans .. however it's back again. on soil and dying leaves .. I feel like I have to repot everything and use new soil .... worst ... not sure where it came from. been growing in this setup for a 2-3 years now with no issue

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the issue with using H2O2 in soil it creates H2O and O inside the soil so if most of the bacteria was killed on the surface because of oxydation, it will leave no competition for a fungus to grow has it will overwhelm the area with time. It’s like a sourdought, while it’s healthy there’s no mold has the bacteria will be taking enough ressources to keep away the fungus.