A CP artistic exhibit! I'm looking for macro videos/photos


Carnivorous Plant Addict
There is a public art festival each year here in Cape Breton, NS. The website: lumierecb.com. This year, the event will take place September 28, from dusk to midnight.
I submitted an idea and it was accepted. The title is "Survival in a Savage Garden" — my little nod to the book!

The one-line description: Carnivorous plants, immersive audio, and a bug's perspective.

I'm asking the CPSC membership: Would anyone consider providing access to some of your macro photos/videos, of your choosing, for this project? I'm doing this personally, so it would have to be royalty free.

If anyone is open to this, or just interested in more info, I can reply here in the comments or through a direct message.

Sure, you can use any of mine too. Just msg me and I can email you the original if I can find them.

You can also look at carnivorousplantscanada on Instagram for pics, but I think everything I've put up there I've also put on the forums.
Sure, you can use any of mine too. Just msg me and I can email you the original if I can find them.

You can also look at carnivorousplantscanada on Instagram for pics, but I think everything I've put up there I've also put on the forums.
Thanks Muckydoo! :)
I still haven't gotten around to sorting through my photos for you yet, but if you spot anything you'd like to use in these following threads, or on my IG, let me know and I can send you the higher resolution version. Also let me know if there're images you like the look of and I'll see if I can find others that are similar. I'll also post some additional images here once I have some time to look through them all.

I still haven't gotten around to sorting through my photos for you yet, but if you spot anything you'd like to use in these following threads, or on my IG, let me know and I can send you the higher resolution version. Also let me know if there're images you like the look of and I'll see if I can find others that are similar. I'll also post some additional images here once I have some time to look through them all.

Thanks @Ertiocx :)
Sending a direct message.
What a fabulous project! Thumbs up . I don't have any macro photos but I'll check my close-up pics. If I find something that may be of use I'll send it to you. Cape Breton rocks!! :cool:
Lumiere Cape Breton was Saturday night. Our space was in a smallish studio. Opened at 7pm and closed at midnight. It went really well!

First visitors (a dad with 2 little ones in their jammies) arrived at about 6:45 and asked to take a look early to "avoid the crowds" - his words! Was a perfect way to start the evening. A few showed up right at 7 from a local garden club. By 7:30, there was a lineup down the hallway! The lineup lasted until about 11:30! Final visitors were the tech crew and other exhibitors. Last ones left at about 12:30.

I didn't have much time to chat. But there were some really great questions that I tried to answer. Lots of exiting comments like "I never knew!" A few who had VFTs at some point. One person from our local university who was talking about trying to get some kind or botanical greenhouse going. A guy who is a land surveyor was asking about rare forms in Nova Scotia. A student who had great questions about active and passive mechanisms for food collection. There were other questions, but those stood out for me. I encouraged all to take a look at CPSC.


The installation had three focus points:
  • Initial entry "nice summer morning" - images, audio, and plants were pretty and cute. A sweet collection I recently received from @Muckydoo and other cute stuff I have. Video includes pings and cephs from @Muckydoo, pigmy drosera flowers opening from @WillyCKH, and some flowers with a lady bug from @Trapper J
  • Middle "interesting" - live microscope feed from of a bowl of drosera that has lots of little critters, and my outdoor planters. Audio was forest with birds and insects
  • Back "savage" - mood was dark. Video included drosera surrounding insects from @WillyCKH, vft traps closing from me, and @Ertiocx beautiful dark images of nepenthes and heliamphoria. Audio had lots of dark scary notes. Used my blue terrarium (nepenthes) for the plants.
Sound dampening panels were positioned define the spaces as much as possible. I turned off the room ventilation and overhead lights. The whole room had a warm, humid, dark feeling. The audio was AMAZING! Bob, the audio engineer, had birds and insects flying around, all on top of a general forest vibe. Entrance was sweet, the back was menacing.

Some pics, and a walkthrough at the end.

Nice summer morning



Middle Interesting




Back Savage


Glad I could help with pictures and make this a fun and successful event!

I'm surprised that ping bowl is still in bloom! When I was there in May the gypsicola x moctezumae was blooming, and I figured it would have been done by now.
Glad I could help with pictures and make this a fun and successful event!

I'm surprised that ping bowl is still in bloom! When I was there in May the gypsicola x moctezumae was blooming, and I figured it would have been done by now.
Excellent media - is it a specific recipe?
Excellent media - is it a specific recipe?

4 part peat
4 parts #12 silica sand
3 parts pumice
2 parts perlite
1 part fluval stratum

I'm pretty sure this is what I brought with me when I was there.

The top layer, probably 3/4 of an inch or so, is just a mineral mix and I think I reused the previous substrate that the plants were in. I believe it's lava rock, perlite, diatomaceous earth and turface?
It's such an interesting concept! I like the idea of the presentation growing progressively darker with images/video of the insects' demise. Well "executed"!! It would certainly inspire some people to explore the fascinating world of CPs.
Noticed the new Tomlov microscope in use, were you satisfied with quality of the projected image?
Well "executed" ... LOL
The microscope worked great for the intended purpose. By the time the springtails were projected on the wall, they were about 2" long and could see a good amount of detail. I think for identifying pests in soil - it will work great. And my husband wants to use it for soldering :-)