
  1. emvesc

    Mites on my baby nepenthes :(

    Hello! I have a few very small (relatively new) neps that were doing well, but recently stopped growing and their pitchers started drying up... I found a few aphids, so I sprayed them with mite spray (on the leaves/stems, not in the substrate). Unfortunately, it just seemed to make them worse...
  2. Blonkey34

    What product to use to treat powdery mildew on sarracenia?

    this year we got awful powdery mildew in the yard, and it got to a few of my sarracenia. They already have it and causing some bad effects, and so I need something to kill it rather than prevent it. I have been using peroxide to very little effect (which is all i have access to right now and was...
  3. bumblinBee

    Stunted growth on Sarracenia?

    Hi there! First pic is from several months ago, second from last month, third from today. This one has been struggling since before and as long as I’ve had it. The pitchers never really mature to full size and they’ve got a wavey look to them? They keep making new pitchers so I know it's trying...
  4. Vicwilkie86

    So, my new VFT is not looking so hot!

    Hello again guys, So, I just received a VFT about a week and half ago. I had posted on this forum when I received the plant. All was well, until this morning when I noticed a few things. First off, the perlite on the top is turning yellow. Is that a normal occurrence? Also, I noticed...
  5. Vicwilkie86

    Questions and concerns about my new VFT.

    Hello Guys, I am new to this website and enjoy meeting new people with an interest and knowledge of these special plants. I have introduced myself in the intro forums section already. I am new to the carnivorous plant world and have just purchased a green dragon from an online supplier. So...