carnivorous plant

  1. CP-fan

    Dionaea muscipula (variegated?)

  2. stevebradford

    Carnivorous plant soil recommendations

    - Carnivorous plant soil recommendations - Carnivorous Bromeliads - Peat 50%, perlite 50% - Bark chips 33%, Perlite 33%, Silica sand 33% - Except Catopsis berteroniana (see note below) Cephalotus follicularis (Australian Pitcher) - silica sand 75%, peat or perlite 25% Darlingtonia (western North...
  3. stevebradford

    Basics to growing Sarracenia (Care questions)

    Follow these basics for growing healthy amazing looking Sarracenia Starting seeds Sarracenia seeds need to be cold stratified to properly germinate see HERE for cold stratification. Seedlings should be grown on a 50% peat 50% sand or perlite mix, preferably sand. Too loose or unstable of a...
  4. stevebradford

    Identifying Drosera rotundifolia

    Everyone on here is probably familiar with Drosera rotundifolia. For those others that end up on this site trying to identify it here are some pictures. Shape of the leaf Flower Winter dormancy
  5. stevebradford

    Picture of the day!

    Got a new plant? Growing something new? Is a plant flowering? Want to share an awesome picture or just want to brag! Share your pictures here, let’s see what your up to.