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  1. Raymond

    Exiting The Hobby Sell off- Open to Offers

    Thanks everyone for the support! I got some people to look after my remaining collection purps (the ones I didn't list off). And just a few small pots and I should be good to go. I got some space in the grow tent for my smaller pots of purps for now it's many the 70lbs patio bogs that's a...
  2. Raymond

    Exiting The Hobby Sell off- Open to Offers

    Hey all, Of course Im sad to do this, but I dont think I would be able to continue providing good care to my plants. Due to family issues I will have to stop growing CPs (mainly purps), but of course I hope to start back again in the future. Im throwing out a blind bid on each "pot". PM me...
  3. Raymond

    Ray's Photo Thread

    Been while, but I still have plants. Though they are going to need a huge repot and divide! I'll be making a post about sell a lot of divisions soon! You can also message if you want anything specific.
  4. Raymond

    Courtney's Grow List

    You forgot to add "for now", don't worry common mistake we all make. Also where did you acquire the P. Martinezii x Gigantea?
  5. Raymond

    Ray's Photo Thread

    Been a while since I've updated, but here's most of the plants I own!
  6. Raymond

    Hi from Toronto

    Welcome Welcome!
  7. Raymond

    Sarracenia identification questions

    The gotta wait for the flower on the second one to really called it. Those lips are a little big on venosa, but can still happen on them. I'm split between rosea and venosa
  8. Raymond

    Survey for annual carnivorous plants meeting

    Another road trip to throw into my plans! Or a train ride cause the distence :D
  9. Raymond

    Hello from Qc (A comeback, well, sort of...)

    Welcome back, hope to hear about all your past and current knowledge
  10. Raymond

    Hello from Nova Scotia

    Welcome welcome!
  11. Raymond

    Tattoos of carnivorous plants

    Im getting a CP tattoo in just a few weeks :cool:
  12. Raymond

    [Closed] B-day Giveaways

    Happy Birthday Willy! You're always so generous! The community loves you!
  13. Raymond

    Ray's Growlist 2022 WIP

    That plant is coming through the mail and I do not think Ill have any available for a few years. Also would be mainly for trades.
  14. Raymond

    Hello from Thunder Bay, ON!

    Welcome welcome, enjoy losing even more space to plants! Soon you might even lose the kitchen ;)
  15. Raymond

    Hello from Brampton!!

    It was more like directions then advice :p They seem healthy enough that you can grow then into great plants
  16. Raymond

    Hello from Brampton!!

    @Paolina well the home depot by trinity mall has a new shipment of vfts. Usually they are on the cheaper side when at homedepot. Edit: Forgot I took a photos
  17. Raymond

    Ray's Growlist 2022 WIP

    Oh yah I remember you asking about that one, we could still do trades. It just feels werid to me selling plants I've bought instead of grown.
  18. Raymond

    Ray's Growlist 2022 WIP

    Posts from around the grow area to go with my update
  19. Raymond

    Good Trader and Nursery List

    Hugs thanks to @Labine for the amazing plants! I mean just look at all the past reviews you can't deny how awesome his plants are!