Search results

  1. T

    fresh seeds of myrmecophilous plants

    Interested as well, thanks
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    [Processing] Carnivero (Closes July 11)

    Gotta have to say, i love the banner haha
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    Heliamphora for near future

    I'm down to try when the time will come. It's a generous offer instead of throwing them away
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    2'' pots in bulk.

    They are currently 32% off right now, at $16.99 for 50, thanks for the link, they juste came in today and at that price vs quality, they are great!
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    Looking for trades.

    Rug i might have some vft Justina Davis and perhaps others if you are still looking for some
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    [Closed] Lecanopteris sinuosa spores 2022

    1. Tom 2. Lloyd 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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    [Closed] 2 Heliamphora to give away

    If available, i would take the other one (selection 4)
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    [Closed] Nepenthes seeds giveaway

    Nepenthes seeds (Summer 2022): 1. Cicindelid 2. Les serres de Paolo Inc. 3. rude-- 4.Tom 5.
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    Story of a relapse

    A story i had to share here, as some (many?) of you might understand. After a few years of not growing much carnivorous plants, especially the tropical ones, i entered a local garden center, looking for nothing in particular, in a small town around here. Cruising across some carnivorous plants...
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    Utricularia ID Contest

    Is it in flower right now? You made me blow the dust on my Taylor's monograph... corolla and pedicel length would be handy
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    Utricularia ID Contest

    U. warburgii? Or more likely amethystina ... I'll keep searching
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    Hello from Qc (A comeback, well, sort of...)

    @Blazed Not Confused Sure, let me know what you're interested in. I have several species not in the pictures since they haven't flowered yet, and i can happily trade for others plants or sell, as you see fit. @Shoggoths Well, nothing out of this world, but I'll post something soon in the...
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    Members Location

    Louiseville, QC, if this is still being updated
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    Asclepiadaceae / Stapeliads

    @barvinok, i don't pamper them much, i grow them at room temperature, depending of which room i put them in winter! I should try my large, cool windowsill (NW exposition) this winter, but usually, they are in the basement with the others plants (18-25 Celcius), but i do water less. Some die...
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    Hello from Qc (A comeback, well, sort of...)

    Hi, I just realized that i have never done a proper introduction of the 'new' forums when the switch was made from the ocps a few years back... My name is Tom and I'm a fellow plant-a-holic. I've been cultivating carnivorous plants, orchids and weird plants since mid 90's (which gives...
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    Asclepiadaceae / Stapeliads

    Thanks for the kind words. Well, if temptation is too strong, you know you can pm me Lloyd, it will be a pleasure to send you a cutting or 2. You know, once trained on a treillis, they don't take that much room *cough cough*
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    Asclepiadaceae / Stapeliads

    Here's a few stapeliads from my collection. They are a bit trickier to grow (ie prone to rot) but they do tolerate neglect a bit better haha, which helped me when my cp/orchids collection have gone down hill. Album here Mouse over the pictures for the names.
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    [Closed] B-day Giveaways

    Happy Birthday Willy! that's quite generous Nepenthes seeds (Summer 2022): 1. Andrew 2. Les serres de Paolo Inc. 3. biotank 4. nepnewbie 5. Dogrem 6. Tom 7. 8. 9. 10. Systemic Bug Spray (portion for 500ml): 1. Victoria 2. biotank 3. Coconut 4. Lloyd 5. Joe B CP T.L.C. Box (Postage not...
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    Nepenthes seed giveaway (Closed)

    1.Les serres de Paolo Inc. 2. Andrew 3. Chen 4.Tom 5.