Raymond Nov 12, 2018 I'm sad that I can't really see my outdoor plants growing right now and the windowsill ones don't change much... Sigh...
I'm sad that I can't really see my outdoor plants growing right now and the windowsill ones don't change much... Sigh...
Raymond Aug 8, 2018 ... My Flava is flowing... Why must it do this now and why not at the beginning of the season
Raymond Jul 16, 2018 Heavy Rain came in and I allowed all my pots and planters to flood. No watering from me for a while! I had to spent time finding seedlings
Heavy Rain came in and I allowed all my pots and planters to flood. No watering from me for a while! I had to spent time finding seedlings
Raymond Jun 28, 2018 Hot weather here in Ontario, moving inside bagged plant to morning sun only windows. Good luck to everyone else!
Hot weather here in Ontario, moving inside bagged plant to morning sun only windows. Good luck to everyone else!
Raymond Jun 25, 2018 Found some more filiformis seeds (maybe) and germinated them. Hope they can now replace my toasted ones
Found some more filiformis seeds (maybe) and germinated them. Hope they can now replace my toasted ones
Lloyd Gordon Jun 14, 2018 I'm still angry at the crazy squirrels for using my plants as nesting material years ago!
Raymond Jun 13, 2018 Some animal stole half my purp... Felt really sad, at least they left one main growth point.