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  • Hi, thanks for letting me join. I'm currently the only person in the UK who has a National heritage collection of purpurea species, and I'm always on the look out for information these particular plants.
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    Reactions: stevebradford
    Welcome Katz! I just looked up what a National heritage collection is and wow, that is so rad. I'm also very interested in purpurea species. I have a few seed grown plants of Canadian provenance. Including some from the Western most known population here in B.C. Maybe we could trade seed some time.
    Hi Steve , I just noticed your reply. Sorry for the delay . I'm still getting used to this format on my mobile. Yes, I'd certainly be interested in trading. It might be a bit late for you now? But I have some purp seeds available.
    I have one purpurea from British Colombia, seeds came over to the UK in the 80s. I'll see if I can get a photo later.
    Enjoy your Christmas..
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