Newest ping set up


Carnivorous Plant Addict
I can't for the life of me keep pings alive. The only species thriving in my collection is P. primuliflora.

I got these guys from a random nursery. Not sure of the species but I think it's pretty common. They started out doing okay but seems to have gone into hibernation with all these succulent leaves. 1 big plant turned into 7 small ones. Anyways, I hope they do well in this set up.


Carnivorous Plant Addict
You'll probably lack space rapidly which usually is good news ;)
I keep my pings in closed plastic bine so you should be alright.


CPSC Moderator
Staff member
The succulent phase is probably influenced by temperature range and photoperiod more than humidity. I could be wrong though!


Carnivorous Plant Addict
in internal temperature how much do you have ?
all mine are currently out in the shade
never forget that they are carnivores they need to eat critters to grow well ;)